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It is becoming increasingly apparent that mechanical processes have an important effect on cellular behavior. Fundamental processes in a tissue including cell division, cell death, and the emergence of coordinated motion of cells are all governed by the activation of biochemical signals by mechanical stresses. To advance the physical understanding of cellular systems under realistic conditions,  our group builds theoretical and computational frameworks, along with simple experiments to study how geometrical constraints focus stresses in specific ways to provide particular function by activating biochemical signals.

You can read more about some of our recent works in:

M. Mueller, J. M. Yeomans, A. Doostmohammadi, Emergence of active nematic behavior in monolayers of isotropic cells, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2019.

G. Peyret, R. Muller, J. d'Alessandro, S. Begnaud , P. Marcq, R. M. Mege, J. M. Yeomans, A. Doostmohammadi, B. Ladoux, Sustained oscillations of epithelial cell sheets, Biophys. J., 2019.

T. B. Saw*,A.Doostmohammadi*, V. Nier, L. Kocgozlu, S. P. Thampi, Y. Toyama, P. Marcq, C. T. Lim, J. M. Yeomans, B. Ladoux, Topological defects in epithelia govern cell death and extrusion, Nature, 2017.

A.Doostmohammadi, S. P. Thampi, T. B. Saw, C. T. Lim, B. Ladoux, J. M. Yeomans, Celebrating Soft Matter's 10th Anniversary: Cell division: a source of active stress in cellular monolayers, Soft Matter, 2015.

Cell & Tissue Mechanics: Research
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